Homenaje a Gardel, Sculpture Graphite on paper, wax, 2017, 50 x 30 x 15 cm Frieze London bei David Nolan Gallery

Homenaje a Gardel

Sculpture Graphite on paper, wax, 2017, 50 x 30 x 15 cm Frieze London bei David Nolan Gallery

Una Noche en el Hospital, Sculpture on Paper, 2017, 50,5 x 30 x 16 cm, Ausstellung Berlin Now, at David Nolan Gallery

Una Noche en el Hospital

Sculpture Graphite and watercolor on paper with wax 2017, 50,5 x 30 x 16 cm Exhibition at Berlin Now, David Nolan Gallery, 2017

El Dirigente. Sculpture, Graphite on paper, wax, 106 x 78 cm, 76 x 56 cm, 40 x 30 cm, 2016, Museum of Contemporary Art Philadelphia.

El Dirigente

Sculpture Graphite on paper, wax, 106 x 78 cm, 76 x 56 cm, 40 x 30 cm, 2016 Museum of Contemporary Art Philadelphia

Sanguine in Papier/Wachs/Pigment Tridimensionelles Haus, 2015, 40 x 45 x 45 cm

El Yo esencial

Sculpture Sanguine pastels and graphite on paper, wax. Sanguine in Papier, Wachs und Pigment. Tridimensionelles Haus, 2015, 40 x 45 x 45 cm Art Basel

Trinidad, Pencil and wax on cut-and-folded paper. 2015, 37,8 × 25,7 × 15,2 cm


Sculpture with pencil and wax on cut-and-folded paper. 2015, 37,8 × 25,7 × 15,2 cm. Part of permanent collection of MoMa. Latin American and Caribbean Fund.

Sculpture, Graphite on paper, wax, El sueño de Salomón, 2014, Kewenig Galerie, Berlín

El sueño de Salomón

Sculpture with graphite and watercolour on paper, wax, 2014. Exhibited at Kewenig Galerie,